Village Planters
Newington Parish Council
Do you have green fingers and a desire to make our village brighter? The Parish Council is looking for volunteers to look after our planters and to suggest locations for new ones.
We are grateful to the Allotment Association which has kindly offered to look afterthe planters by the junction of Playstool Road and the bus stop.
We are looking for people who would be willing to "adopt" a planter. The Parish Council will pay for the new planters, soil, plants and bulbs and we need people, or groups, who would be willing to keep a planter tidy, updated and watered when needed.
Together we can help make our village a better place to live.
If any business would like to sponso a planter please contact the Clerk- [email protected]
Contact Information
Wendy Licence
Find Newington Parish Council
Newington, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7JJ