Newington Parish Council
Would you like to make a difference to your local community?
Would you like to assist in decisions that affect your community?
If so why not apply to become a Parish Councillor
Newington Parish Council currently has two vacancies for Parish Councillor and is looking to fill these positions by co-option. We invite anyone who is interested in being considered to notify the Chairman Cllr Tony Mould or the Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence. In particular we would like to hear of any specific skills or interests that you believe would benefit the Council. If you would like an informal discussion with any member of the Parish Council please do not hesitate to contact the Chairman or the Clerk
A Parish Councillor must be:
- a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union, and
- 18 years or older on the day you become nominated for election
- for the whole of the 12 months prior to nomination he/she must:
- have been an elector of the parish, or
- has occupied as owner or tenant any land or other premises in that area, or
- resided within 3 miles of the boundary of the parish, or
- had his/her principal or only place of work in that area
Full details regarding eligibility to become a Councillor and what the role entails can be obtained from the Clerk.
Expressions of interest must be received in writing by the Clerk Mrs Wendy Licence, 14 Trapfield Close, Bearsted Maisdtone ME14 4HT or email: [email protected]
Contact Information
Wendy Licence
Find Newington Parish Council
Newington, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7JR