21/504028/FULL Land At School Lane: Appeal Hearing
Newington Parish Council
Application: 21/504028/FULL Land At School Lane, Newington ME9 7JU
Planning Inspectorate reference APP/V2255/W/22/3312284
Proposal: Erection of 25no. residential dwellings and the provision of a 20 space staff car park and 20 space pupil pick-up/drop-off area for Newington C of E Primary School, together with associated access, landscaping, drainage and infrastructure works.
The hearing was to take place on 27 June and we now understand this is to be held on Tuesday 11 July 2023 and will start at 10:00am at Committee Room Swale House East Street Sittingbourne ME10 3HT
Contact Information
Wendy Licence
Find Newington Parish Council
Newington, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 7JJ